December Mental Management Reflection

Are You Choosing Ugly?  By Dr. Penny Veit-Hetletved


Yesterday, Pastor Sam encouraged people to wear 'Ugly Sweaters' to church.  His message went on to tell us wearing “ugly” or wearing “beauty, kindness, tolerance, etc.” was a choice.  We were encouraged to leave our ugly attitudes, ugly thoughts, and ugly words behind us during this Christmas season.  This got me to thinking, why would we not choose to leave our UGLY behind in 2022?!


Growing up, I was told over and over by my parents who were also my coaches, “You’re only as good as your best competitor.”  I had to respect my competition.  Part of our UGLY sometimes is comparing ourselves to others.  What my folks were telling me is that our competitors lift us to be better.  The next time you look around at someone running the same race as you, and maybe just a little bit better, be grateful for them.  They make us better.


Nothing worth having comes easy (as much as we all hated hearing our parents say that), and without adversity, struggle, or a little bit of a challenge, we never get forced out of our comfort zones to get stronger. Truly though, we should be as happy for others’ victories and overcoming’s as we are our own accomplishments.  I love seeing other people happy and successful.  Afterall, supporting another’s success won’t ever dampen my own.  There is enough success and happiness for everybody.


There’s less than two weeks to go for this year, use it to get better and less UGLY.  I read this little story in my daily motivational journal, and it really hit me.  To be honest, it made my eyes leak…


“The whole world paused this morning.  Do you know why? Because an eight-year old’s tank was empty.

The boys had already started their school day at their desks, and I was preparing to leave for work when I noticed my littlest standing in the bathroom wiping his face.


I paused at the door and asked if he was okay. He looked up with tears silently dripping and shook his head. When I questioned if something happened, again he shook his head. So, I sat on the side of the tub and pulled him in my lap. I told him sometimes our heart tanks feel empty and need to be refilled.


He cried into my chest, and I held tight. I asked if he could feel my love filling him up? A nod, and tears stopped...


I waited a minute... ‘Has it reached your toes yet?’ He shook his head no...


‘Okay man. We will take as long as you need. Work doesn’t matter right now. School isn’t important either. This right here, is the most important thing today, okay?  Filling you back to the top. Is that good?’  *nods*


One more minute...  ‘Is your heart full of mama’s love now?’




*looks in his eyes* ‘I see it shining in there, you’re full to the top, and you’re smiling!’


You may not be 8—you may be 28, 38, 48 or whatever; but ALL of us run on empty just like he did. His week was so busy and so full, and his little soul was just dry! We all have to pause and take a moment to refill with the good things... prayer, sunshine, laughter, friends, hugs. Refill your empty, or you’ll find those emotions (tears, anger, snappy words=UGLY) overflowing with no reason why. Take a moment. Refill. It’s the most important part of your day!


With that, I wish you all a blessed Christmas and the most happy of new year’s.