· Barebow (BB): Archers shooting Barebow style will use bow, arrows, strings, and accessories free from any sights, marks or blemishes that may be used as a sighting aid. An adjustable arrow plate may be used provided it does not extend more than ¼” above the arrow. The use of stabilizers shall be permitted. The rear stabilizer shall not touch any part of the body. One consistent nocking point only is permitted and may be held by one or two nock locators, which shall be snap on type, shrink tubing, thread or dental floss, tied or served on the serving. Nocking point locators shall not extend more than one half inch (1/2”) above or below the arrow nock when at full draw. This is the NASP category as well.
· Freestyle (FS): Any type of sight and release aid may be used provided it is hand operated and supports the draw weight of the bow and is not attached to the bow other than the bowstring. In the case of physical disability of the arms or hands, a chew strap may be used in place of fingers or release aids. The rear stabilizer shall not touch any part of the body.
· Bowhunter Freestyle (BHFS): A maximum of (5) five fixed reference points: Points of attachment shall not be considered reference points. A line running vertically from its top attachment in the pin guard to its bottom attachment in the pin guard would be legal. **Note: a single pin hunting site is allowed but no magnification lens is permitted. Release aids will be permitted. In the case of physical disability of the arms or hands, a chew strap may be used in place of fingers or release aids. One straight stabilizer, coupling device included if used, which cannot exceed 12 inches at any time, as measured from the back of the bow, V-bar, counterbalance and string dampeners may be used.
· Traditional (TRAD): This style of shooting is for those who wish to compete with the Recurve or Longbow. No device of any kind, including arrow rest, that can be used for sighting will be used or attached to the archers’ equipment. There shall be no device, mechanical or otherwise, in the sight window except the arrow rest, arrow plate or plunger button. No part of the arrow rest may extend more than ¼ inch above the arrow in the sight window.
· Freestyle Limited Recurve (ORC): Any type of sight may be used, providing the sighting mechanism has no magnification. Levels, string peep sights, marks, ties or string attachments to the string and electronic devices are not allowed. A kisser button may be used. Release aids shall be limited to gloves, tabs and fingers. In the case of physical disability of the arms or hands, a chew strap may be used in place of fingers. shall mount directly to the riser without rods, extensions, angular mounting connection or shock-absorbing devices. This is the division for Olympic Recurve.
Cub (under 12)
Youth (12–14)
Young Adult (15–17)
Adult (18–49)
Senior (50–59)
Silver Senior (60–69)
Master Senior (70+)